by Helena Carter | May 10, 2021 | Laser treatments, Technical Stuff, Useful Information
Pain Free Laser Tattoo Removal Call Us Now No One Enjoys Pain We live our lives avoiding pain, it is part of the human condition. Avoid pain and embrace pleasure. Unfortunately, sometimes pain is unavoidable. Getting a tattoo is one of those painful experiences that...
by Helena Carter | May 10, 2021 | Laser treatments, Technical Stuff
Using Glass Slides To Reduce Pain During Tattoo Removal Call Us Now The tattoo removal business relies on experienced tattoo removal professionals to come up with innovative ideas. One such idea is the use of scientific glass slides in removing tattoos. The use of the...
by Helena Carter | May 10, 2021 | Laser treatments, Useful Information
How Many Treatments Do I Need For Laser Tattoo Removal? Call Us Now The problem with this question that there is no straightforward answer. I know that frustrates people when they ask me how many treatments do I need for laser tattoo removal. Some laser operators will...
by Helena Carter | May 10, 2021 | Laser treatments, Useful Information
The Smoking Gun Of Tattoo Removal Call Us Now Research from a study that ran from 1995 -2010 has demonstrated that removing ink using a Q Switched laser from a smoker can be quite problematic… the smoking gun of tattoo removal. In one of the first studies to examine...
by Helena Carter | May 10, 2021 | Laser treatments, Technical Stuff, Useful Information
Using Micro Needling To Increase Laser Tattoo Removal Efficiency Call Us Now Most laser tattoo removal professional operators are fairly intelligent types (of course there are definitely exceptions), they are constantly looking to improve the outcomes for their tattoo...
by Helena Carter | May 10, 2021 | Laser treatments, Technical Stuff, Useful Information
How Long Should You Wait Between Laser Treatments Call Us Now 021-905990 Â we are living in the age of instant gratification, but unfortunately there are some things that still cannot, and should not be rushed and tattoo removal is one of them. so how long should you...