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Q&A For Sponsors

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You are looking at our Sponsorship Q&A page so you can obviously see the benefit of purchasing a sponsorship package to help someone remove their visible tattoos. Thank you for even considering it.

We are sure you have some questions so here is a list of some of the questions we have been asked. Feel free to contact us if we have missed anything.

Why are the sponsorship packages 8 treatments?

If the tattoo is done without the use of a tattoo gun then we will definitely be able to remove a tattoo in 8 treatments. If a tattoo gun is used then sometimes it can take a few more treatments, but the tattoo will definitely be very faded.

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What happens if the whole tattoo is not out after 8 treatments?

Depending on how the tattoo was applied and what was used as ink, it can take more than 8 treatments but the ink will definitely be faded. 8 treatments will take about 16 months to complete. Our client will most likely have made some changes in their lives during the process. You will be amazing at what confidence our clients develop just knowing that this tattoo that has embarrassed them for a long time will eventually be gone. Hopefully they will be able to continue the process while funding it themselves, otherwise we will look at another sponsorship.

What happens if the tattoo comes off in less than 8 treatments?

Less than 8 treatments is a good problem to have. We will either work on another tattoo on the same person or possibly donate the leftover treatments to someone else who has either a little more ink to go or a new client.

How long will it take to do all 8 treatments?

Our clients will have 2 years to use their 8 laser tattoo removal treatments. This is because we only treat once every 2 months and we are allowing for the odd delays. If they have not used all the treatments in 24 months then it is safe to assume they are not that motivated and in which case we will give the left over treatments to someone else.

How will I know where and to whom my sponsorship is going?

When someone receives your sponsorship program then you will be notified and photos will be taken and emailed to you (if you want) at the end of the program we will give you an update. Donors or recipients details will not be disclosed.

How do you choose who gets my sponsorship?

Anyone wanting a sponsorship for tattoo removal will apply with some details about their circumstances. We will assess each request, unfortunately you are not able to be involved in this process.

What happens if the recipient pulls out or does not turn up for appointments?

If a recipient decides not to continue with the 8 treatments, the left over treatments will be allocated to someone else. If the recipient does not turn up for their appointment they will loose that treatment. If they dont turn up to two appointments then they will be dropped from the program and their treatments will be given to someone else. They will have 24 months to complete a 16 month program. If they dont turn up sometime during week 8 -12 then they will be dropped from the program unless there is a good reason. We want to help people, but they must help themselves as well.

Doesn’t the Government pay for unemployed people to get tattoo removal?

WINZ do lend money sometimes, but it is a loan, and many people really can not afford to pay it back. As well, some of our clients are working but are on such low wages that they can barely get by and certainly cant afford laser tattoo removal. For these people this treatment will make such a huge difference.

Why does the Sponsorship Package cost a Bit More that just the cost of 8 Treatments?

There is a lot of management of the process in order to deliver this program. It requires office staff to manage it which is an additional layer of costs for deINK. We keep our Sponsors informed of progress and also management of the clients. This involves selecting only the most deserving and keeping them on track. Laser tattoo removal is a difficult and painful process so we often have to track people down using both a carrot and a stick to get them to attend appointments.

What happens if I really want to help but I cant afford to pay $550?

You could get together with other family members and all chip in or you could just sponsor a single treatment or a couple of treatments. Single treatment sponsorship is on our product page and you can purchase as many as you can afford. If you purchase single treatments then you dont get the report on who is benefiting as there would just be too much paper work.

What if I own a business and want to buy some sponsorships. Can I get advertising on your site?

Yes we can setup a page with our sponsors logos. We havent done that yet but your logo can be on our site for the 2 years that the donation is active.

Where do you get you tattoo removal recipients from?

We sometimes run ads on Auckland Buy & Sell pages inviting people to apply for free treatments. Otherwise we have people come in who are desperate to get their tattoos off and when they realise that it is going to cost money they sadly dont have! It’s these people that have really motivated us to provide this program.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you would like to purchase a Tattoo Removal Sponsorship Package please click here.


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